Thursday, June 22, 2006


is a new and innovative way for people to easily trade the books, CDs, DVDs and video games they are finished with, for the ones they want, all for free.
Finally an online Yard Sale (sort of) where anyone can trade their used items in exchange for someone else's item. Kind of awkward to exchange your used items with strangers oh wait that's eBay is it not. With Swaptree instead of using money to pay for items you exchange your used items. Techcrunch has a great article about Swaptree where Michael Arrington recants his previous position on the demand curve that Swaptree could create.

The Review

Well I could be wrong but my guess will be Swaptree's plan of using advertisement for its main revenue stream will only last a few months before users start complaining about the other users not shipping the trades. Swaptree will have to implement a feedback system similar to eBay to control user satisfaction or become the middle-man to show some sort of trade control. Again I could be wrong. Its in private beta so who knows.

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